Friday, 6 April 2012

Goodbye BLC 13!

So the BLC 13 has ended and I am so sad to see it go! I had so many weeks where the scale didn't move and I didn't meet my goal either. Nothing to get down about, though! So first thing I did was read my "Letter to my future self (9 Jan)". I asked myself a few questions so here are the answers.
 Did you make some new friends? Yes. But the relationships faded towards the end as everyone stopped posting :(
 Was it worth the hard work? Yes and no. I really don't think the results matched the slog I was put though.
That leads into my final question: Are you happy with the results? Yes and no.

So 8 kgs (15 lb) is a massive achievement and you would be crazy to say no. But firstly I really wanted to get out of the 100's (in kilos) and secondly I wanted to maintain 1kg (2.2lbs) loss average a week. I lost on both counts, unfortunately. After 12 weeks I wanted to lose 12 kgs (26 lbs) or get to 99.9kgs (22lbs).

 Now I want to get to the WHY: I mistakenly was doing weights/resistance that were too low (about half of what I should have been doing) For about 3 weeks I completely lost my motivation and either maintained or gained weight because of both no gym and eating too much The quality of my food was poor at times So now to turn it into a positive.

The BLC 14 starts later this month which I have signed up for. BEFORE the challenge I will:
 - Do my proper weights regime (i.e. 75% of my maximum capacity at each machine)
 - Cut out a lot of bad carbs and try to incorporate good carbs. I want to half the bread I eat and eliminate "takeaway" foods.
 - Easter is coming and I am getting chocolate. I am not going to eat any of it except on a workout day. And on a workout day I am limiting to 1 egg. If you want chocolate, you have to put the time in!
 - Eat 1 more vegetable a day than you normally would

 I'm hoping by Week 1 of the new challenge I will have met my goal. I'm really gonna kick ass this time! Particularly with running, I've tried running twice now and it got me insanely sweaty and pumped.

 And to reflect, here is the old me and the new me:

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