Thursday, 19 April 2012

Mothers are lame

I wrote this whole spiel about my mother and how she's frustrating me but I think it makes me sound like a brat, lol. Basically I have limited funds to live on while I'm studying (hopefully I will get that full-time job soon) but in the meantime the "arrangement" for shopping is not working because she doesn't buy enough food. If I try to fix it (i.e. buy my own healthy stuff) she wont pay for it but she'll still eat it/use it and I really can't afford to be buying food that someone else is going to eat.

Anyway, so as I said there is not enough food. Literally.


So, first row you see Pepsi and alcohol (which I don't like anyway), dog food (yum), margarine, carrots, jelly, eggs. THATS IT. Tell me what I'm supposed to do with that. She complained that I haven't cooked for her all week and I don't think she quite understood why I laughed at her. Well. Um. Yeah.

 Mothers are lame.

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