Monday, 23 April 2012

Procrastinating.. again :)

Figures that I'm only doing this blog to procrastinate doing something else. I'm supposed to be doing my presentation which is due tomorrow that I have done hardly anything towards. I mean, it's not that much work but just been avoiding it for weeks. I carefully planned it so I would have the interactive part of the workshop, so basically Instruction > Let the group work go for 10m and rinse and repeat, but still. I've been doing everything but. Even planned my outfit!

So there is massive confusion over when IT IS, though. It was originally scheduled for Wednesday which is a public holiday so a few weeks ago the lecturer said we would do it Tuesday (tomorrow). So we email him today reminding him to have the projector for the class at 9am and he says he has another class at the time (he said a few weeks ago he would swap with another lecturer) and mentioned "are you talking about Wednesday's class?". So I email him back saying Wednesday there IS no class, do you mean tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon instead?? And no answer. Sooo...

Yeah. Anyway, better go do it. All I have to do is prepare 5 scenarios (like a paragraph each) and prepare some information handouts. And maybe practice, though I don't think it will do much good. Anyway.

Onto the weight thing. I'm struggling to keep to my calorie range. It has dropped 200 calories and that is killing me. When I reach my mini goals the app re-calculates what my range should be based on my new weight rather than my old weight, which is now 1400 calories. I'm still a big girl (obese, not "overweight"!) so I don't understand. Like 1200 calories is supposed to be the absolute minimum for anyone!

Maybe it's too little but I'm scared to raise it in case I'm wrong and put on weight. If I put on 1-2kgs while I figure it out that would take me at least 2-3 weeks of hard slog and possibly 3-6 weeks of plateau to get that 1-2kgs off again so I'm scared to do it.

I'm also having doubts about this new job. I got a call on Friday saying where did I want to go and it sounded so sure. And she said she would call back Monday to Tuesday... now I know it's only been Monday but I can't help but feel.. well, maybe they changed their minds. Maybe they found someone better. Maybe it will fall through and I'm getting excited for nothing. Today I wrote down a "to buy" list for living on my own (you know, the stuff households share but the first time you move out you need to buy - kitchen stuff, computer stuff like a printer, scanner, home phone, etc) and like my head is in that space. You know when you imagine something in your head and then that's all you can think about and believe. Ahhh! And if they DON'T call tomorrow, Wednesday is a public holiday!

Oh well. I'm writing too much to avoid doing my work so I better log off and do it.

See ya.

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