Monday, 20 February 2012

Weigh in day..

It was weigh in day and I lost some more weight! After weighing in at 107.2 kgs last week, I've gotten down to 105.4 kgs. 1.8 kgs (4 lbs)! Pretty happy. Yesterday I was in a bit of a weird mood and disappointed with my weight loss, but I think I've got a bit more perspective today.

Even if I only lose a bit, or maintain, I'm not going to wake up tomorrow and have a flat stomach. It doesn't matter what the number says - nobody knows that number but me. What they do know is my good mood because I'm sleeping better, exercising more and eating healthier foods. And what they will recognise is my body fat melting away - but no day's work is going to matter. It's going to be my work over weeks and months.

Yesterday I was complaining that we are halfway through the BLC challenge (a Biggest Loser style challenge on SparkPeople) and I hadn't hit half my goal weight for the challenge but it doesn't matter. 6 short weeks wont matter, the rest of my life does. I'll fall down and relapse but as long as I don't give up I can't "lose" (in the win/lose type of way, not "losing weight" type of way).

Today at work was pretty brutal - worked all day and wasn't used to that. It was quite boring with not that much to do and by 5.30pm I was so ready to go home. And then I get home and there's a letter that says seeing as my employer didn't pay my workers compensation expenses I have to. 3 years after the fact! Can't believe it. Why did it take them this long to send me a bill? Tomorrow I'll ring up my old employer and find out whats going on, but I really don't want to have to fork out the money. What could they do if I just ignored it? Surely they wouldn't take me to court for $80, particularly so many years later. And the invoice doesn't even have my address on it, it has the address of the shopping center! Ridiculous.

And I've forgotten to do some TAFE (Tech school)  work for tomorrow. I really don't want to have to do it later tonight. I just want to sit in front of the TV and watch Biggest Loser. What would be best is if I could find a job and be able to leave TAFE and forget about studying ever again! Ah well, one can dream.

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