Thursday, 23 February 2012

Who needs days off?

So today's been a weird day. I had a full day to myself, the first time in a while and thought it would be a great time to catch up on things I needed to do, calls I needed to make and get ahead with research and assignments. I failed on nearly all counts.

When I rang the Woolworths Safety department and told them about the invoice from the pharmacy that was supposed to be paid by workers compensation I was told it was ridiculous and they shouldn't be expected to pay it. Um, okay. As an afterthought she added, "Well you shouldn't have to pay it either" and was told to email the documents to someone else to deal with. I email her and get an automated response saying she's on annual leave to the 17th. Oh, you mean a week ago? Sigh.

Then I tried to complete the Centrelink form and realised that I didn't have the right "proof". I should have just ticked the box for it to come automatically to me after 8 weeks rather than getting it earlier. First of all the retrospective pay report doesn't have the company's name, ABN, etc on it so it can't be used as proof of earnings. And then they want Bank statements too - I only have old bank statements of my closed account as I haven't been with the NAB for a month yet. And they want all this by next week. So I tried ringing them over and over for HOURS - engaged. It finally goes through at 5.01pm for the voice to tell me everyone's gotten home. Great.

And now it's 5pm and I can't go to the shops like I wanted. I wanted to buy food seeing as Mum, who designates herself as a shopper has no food. Can't be just my imagination, right? So I go on SparkRecipes, open all the "basic" recipes I can find and must have gone through at least 20 of them to find out I don't even have half the ingredients. I tell her and she's like "what else do you want me to buy?" It's like, ANYTHING, just have the house blooming stocked. I don;t think even Jamie Oliver could cook a meal with the stuff we have. All I ever eat is soup and sandwiches because there's nothing here to eat. Its her "shopping day" tomorrow (and half the time she doesn't get around to it as her and the family just gossip and wander around the shops from 9am to 12pm) and if she doesn't bring decent stuff home I'm firing her from my shopping duties. I'm not paying her money for food if I don;t get any food out of the deal.

So pretty much the whole day was a waste of time. I didn't get in touch with Centrelink, I got an automated email saying that the lady who was supposed to clear the whole thing up was on annual leave up until over a week ago (professional, much?), I can't get my payslips sent to me, and because of this didn;t get time to buy food or do assignments I was committed to doing today.

Who needs days off when its like this.

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